How to Play
Quarantine Indoor Golf
The aim of the game is to complete a predetermined number of holes in the fewest number of throws. The person with the lowest score wins.
How to Start?
Before the game begins, all players must decide on the total number of holes to complete. (Usually 9 or 18). You must also decide on the “hole”.
The Hole:
The hole can be anything that has an opening and sides, like a small garbage can or cooler, even a box. Clip the flag to the hole and let the fun begin.
Teeing Off & Placing The Hole:
The person with the lowest handicap starts. If handicaps are not established, play should begin with the “best” player teeing off first. He/she decides where to start and where to place the first hole.
Once a hole is complete, the player with the highest score places the next hole.
Play for the next hole begins where the previous hole was completed.
Play Your Ball As It Lies:
Always play your ball as it lies, wherever it comes to rest unless alternative rules are agreed to before the game begins.
Stay out of the field of play. If you are accidentally hit by another player’s ball, you will be assessed a 1-stroke penalty.
Players should not purposely try to hit another player.
Avoid playing the wrong ball. If you play the wrong ball, replace the ball back to the approximate spot. The player that played the wrong ball is assessed a 1-stroke penalty.
Consecutive shots are to be played by a player placing his/her foot where the ball comes to rest.
If the ball is restricted and a player is unable to place his/her foot where the ball comes to rest, he/she must take a 1-stroke penalty and move the ball to the nearest location - no closer to the hole.
Additional Rules
All players have the right to see where the hole is placed before teeing off.
Lights must remain the same for all players during play.
No leaning against walls or other objects for balance.
Players must remain standing - no sitting or lying down while playing their ball.
Any situation not covered by the Rules should be decided on by majority rule.
Alternative Rules
Players may lean against walls or other objects for balance.
“Mulligans” may be used once per round. A player may choose to replay a shot and use their mulligan instead of counting a stroke.
Lights may be turned on or off to increase/decrease difficulty.
Players must agree to any alternative rules before the game begins.
WARNING: Clear any breakables from the play area - i.e. the course.